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Clean energy for EU islands


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Clean energy for EU islands Newsletter August Edition

The Clean energy for EU islands newsletter August edition is now available online. It is published every two months and includes exciting information on islands' clean energy activities, news from the secretariat, events, and inspiring island projects.

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Simon De Clercqs Goodbye Editorial

Now that the European summer season is coming to an end, we can start looking forward to an autumn full of Clean energy for EU islands activities. We will see...

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Call for Postcards

Are you a hobby photographer? Do you live on an island? Are you working for an island municipality? Or were you on holiday and impressed by the beauty of an island? The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat is releasing a call for postcards: Greetings from the islands as a photo challenge!

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We are moving (digitally)!

The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat is moving (digitally)! The secretariat’s website team is working hard to transfer the current website to the domain.

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World Island Networks 2020 - SMILO

Since the beginning of 2020, the Small Islands Organisation (SMILO) has been identifying island networks and organisations around the globe that help protect the environment or cultural heritage of islands.

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The ISLANDER project and its demonstration site on Borkum

ISLANDER started in October 2020 and goes one step further, paving the way for the full decarbonisation of EU islands’ energy systems by demonstrating smart grid solutions combining renewable energy production with storage technologies in real-life settings. Starting with the pilot island of Borkum.

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Welcome to the Think Tank!

The Clean energy for EU islands Secretariat has four main responsibilities. It aims to create a community of islands, provide a marketplace, provide technical support to islands, and analyse the legal and regulatory aspects that are important for islands in transition.

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E-mobility on islands

The future is here. Electric vehicles have arrived and we are looking into mobility based on electrons instead of fossil fuels. So far so good!

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NESOI report: Critical Technologies for Islands’ Energy Transition

After last year's co-creation survey conducted by NESOI, islands began to carry out technology scouting to identify the critical technologies that could boost the energy transition in islands. On this basis NESOI partners wrote a report on critical technologies for island's energy transition that was published on July 13.

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REIS Platform, a new Climate Service available for Islands

The University Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development (TIDES) is a research centre that aims to develop outstanding research, generating and circulating scientific knowledge, and integrating itself into international networks of excellence.

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Sign the Pledge! It is available in 8 languages now.

The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat has published the Island Clean Energy Transition Pledge in eight languages. It is now available for download in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Croatian, and Greek.