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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 23 August 2021

Simon De Clercqs Goodbye Editorial

Now that the European summer season is coming to an end, we can start looking forward to an autumn full of Clean energy for EU islands activities. We will see the start of a number of exciting online activities, including podcasts, postcards, and the publication of our technology solution booklet, to further guide islands in their energy transition. Over summer we have strengthened the secretariat’s community approach, including a new website, and prepared the Clean energy for EU islands marketplace, our instrument to match island projects with supporting organisations. Definitely have a look below on how to participate! In autumn, our experts will also continue their support to the islands that receive the secretariat’s technical assistance.

For me it has been an interesting journey to see the secretariat grow from its early inception into an EU-wide initiative covering over 70 islands across 15 countries and 3 continents. This summer marks the end of my time on this project, and I would like to thank all the people that I had the pleasure of meeting over the past 3 years. The commitment and enthusiasm of island communities, public authorities, energy cooperatives, private initiatives, academia, etc. has been truly inspiring. A big THANK YOU to all of you for that. Thanks, in particular to the EU islands team for making this such a positive experience and I wish you all the best with the continuation.

I look forward to staying tuned on how islands will continue to lead the way in achieving Europe’s net zero targets.


Simon De Clercq