On the 9 November 2021, FEDARENE invited ENAGAS, Community Energy Scotland and the FCH JU for its first webinar. As communication leader of the project, FEDARENE (the European Federation of...

On the 9 November 2021, FEDARENE invited ENAGAS, Community Energy Scotland and the FCH JU for its first webinar. As communication leader of the project, FEDARENE (the European Federation of...
Listen to the ALBATTS Interview with Duarte Conde Silva, Plant Manager at Graciolica. What are the challenges of installing a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Azores, in the middle...
The Orkney Islands Council, Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited (CMAL), St. Andrew’s University and several other European organisations are cooperating to build Europe’s first seagoing ferry powered by hydrogen fuel cells...
It was the fourteenth edition of the Cinco Días Awards organized by the Spanish newspaper of the same name, which has become a key event for the business sector. The...
The Clean energy for EU islands newsletter October edition is now available online. This newsletter is published every two months and includes exciting information on islands' clean energy activities, news...
In early October about sixty islanders gathered on the Island of Samsø, Denmark for a conference on the topic “the future of islands”. Besides islanders telling their own story, about...
Within the framework of the Clean energy for EU islands program, the Municipality of Chios Island in Greece and the Centre for Renewable energy Sources & Saving (CRES) are organizing...
The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat participated in the European Week of Regions and Cities 2021 with a jointly organised workshop on clean energy transition on EU islands.
After receiving many beautiful submissions from islands all over Europe, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat has chosen the winners of the Call for Postcards "Greetings from the Islands"...
If you missed our second Energy Academy focusing on Croatian islands on October 21-22 you can catch up with our recording on the various sessions.
The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat focuses on legal and regulatory barriers that EU islands face in energy transition and implementation of clean energy projects.
The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat has now published a Technology solutions booklet that provides an overview of energy technologies that are currently commercially available for islands to advance in their clean energy transition.
Kitepower's mobile Airborne Wind Energy System (AWES), the Falcon 100kW, is the very first AWES to be operated in the Caribbean.
The goal of this project is to unlock the potential of EU islands to become the locomotives of European Energy Transition by mobilising more than 100 M€ of investment in sustainable energy projects to an audience of 2.400 inhabited EU islands and give the opportunity to test innovative energy technologies.
The programme has a budget of nearly EUR 1 billion over the period of 2021-2027 and aims at facilitating the transition towards an energy-efficient, renewable energy-based, climate-neutral and -resilient economy by funding coordination and support actions across Europe.
A very interesting regional meeting was held digitally on September 30, regarding the clean energy transition of the Greek islands.
The municipality of Schiermonnikoog is the smallest island of the Dutch Wadden Islands. It is located in the North Sea and has less than 1000 inhabitants.
You can now apply for the Island Innovation Awards 2021 until 05 November 2021! The Island Innovation Awards aim to recognise individuals, organisations, and technologies driving positive change for remote and island communities all over the world.
Jorge Rodrigues de Almeida the secretariat’s financial lead has introduced the concept and aims of the newly established Island Marketplace in a one-and-a-half-hour online event, Isabel Rayo, from SUMA Capital provided her viewpoints, tips, and insights into the requirements for projects to be financed.
The Ecosystemic Transition Unit (ETU) was developed by the Interreg MED Renewable Energy community. It is a multilevel governance model that acts as a roadmap for municipalities in rural and island areas to join the clean energy transition.