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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 18 August 2021

World Island Networks 2020 - SMILO

Since the beginning of 2020, the Small Islands Organisation (SMILO) has been identifying island networks and organisations around the globe that help protect the environment or cultural heritage of islands. Now, the organisation has published a preliminary report about theirm mapping activities. This mapping work enables them to analyse the roles, actions, scope and difficulties of island networks and organisations. Additionally, they can pinpoint opportunities for the different players to cooperate. This initiative aims to start answering the need to know who does what and where, in order to identify geographical or thematical gaps of such organisms, to encourage new partnerships, and ultimately offering better answers to islands’ needs.

After the release of their preiminary report, the mapping is still work in progress. To date, 98 networks and organisations have been identified (last updated on July 21, 2021). This document is a first draft representing the results of the first months of work, and is intended to be completed in the coming months. The aim is to present a final report by the end of 2021. The project is supported by GLISPA, Conservatoire du littoral, Advanced Conservation Strategies, Precovery Labs, Green Cross France and Territories, PIM Initiative, and ICO Solutions. 

To be referenced in the mapping, a network or organisation must meet the following criteria:

  • works on more than one island in the country: this includes organisations that work on several islands within one region of a country

  • currently active: it can be public or private; it may or may not have an official status (public institutions, non-governmental organisations, academic or research institutions, etc.)

  • designed to last over time: this excludes programmes with a given, limited lifespan

  • helps protect island environments or heritage

  • different from a financial backer: a separate study on organisations that fund projects on islands is needed


If you would like to be included in this initiative, and you are not yet listed, you can fill in this form until September 5, 2021.

Discover the Intermediary Report here.