Clean energy for EU islands
Launched in 2017 as part of the 'Clean energy for all Europeans' package, this initiative supports over 2,200 inhabited EU islands in generating sustainable, cost-effective energy. Despite having access to renewables like wind and wave energy, many islands still rely on costly fossil fuel imports.
- Reduce energy costs and increase renewable energy production.
- Construct energy storage facilities and demand response systems using cutting-edge technologies.
- Enhance energy security, reducing dependence on imports.
- Improve air quality, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize environmental impact.
- Generate new jobs and business opportunities for economic self-sufficiency.
Political backing comes from a declaration signed by the European Commission and 14 EU countries, including Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in June 2020 for long-term cooperation.
Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat
Established in 2018 by the European Commission and the European Parliament, this secretariat facilitates the initiative's goals. It acts as a platform for best practices, provides capacity building, advises on policy, and supports the implementation of the Memorandum of Split.
The second phase (2021-2023) focused on:
- Supporting island clean energy transition agendas.
- Providing guidance and access to support documentation.
- Identifying and assisting individual projects.
- Offering capacity-building workshops, webinars, and networking events.
- Covering key topics: energy production, efficiency, heating/cooling, and island transport.
The third phase (2023-2027) focuses on:
- Provide dedicated & intensive technical assistance to 30 island (group)s on their path to fully RE-powered islands by 2030
- Develop and finalise a pipeline of bankable projects and find financing for those projects
- Disseminate the lessons learned to a wide group of follower islands
- Study on best practices on connection policies and management of energy systems under conditions of non-synchronised generation in the non-(inter)connected islands
- Manage and further develop a platform of exchange of practice & organise annual Island forums & continued support in the Memorandum of Split
Who we are
The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat is an initiative on behalf of the European Commission aimed at catalysing the clean energy transition on EU Islands.
The secretariat is managed by 3E, Th!nk E, Steinbeis 2i, Econoler, DAFNI, RdA and Samsø Energy Academy. It collaborates with a wide range of local stakeholders, authorities, academia, and citizens. Our work will be carried out in close collaboration with local, regional, national, and international partners, with particular support through a network of 11 regional partners.