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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 14 October 2021

The second NESOI Call opened 29 Oct 2021 - deadline 21 Jan 2022

The Second European Island Facility NESOI call has opened on 29 October 2021 until 21 January 2022. The goal of this project is to unlock the potential of EU islands to become the locomotives of European Energy Transition by mobilising more than 100 M€ of investment in sustainable energy projects to an audience of 2.400 inhabited EU islands and give the opportunity to test innovative energy technologies. 

The response received during the First Call was beyond satisfactory and a lot of interesting projects are being supported at the moment. Now, moving forward with the second one, a series of two informative webinars have been organised where the particular requirements of this invitation will be explained. 

How to apply

The NESOI “Guide For Applicants*”, which will be made available the day of the opening,  includes useful information for building a successful application. Then, the proposal submission will be made online through the Platform for Applicants.

Technical support provided

NESOI provides twofold support for beneficiaries, both in form of direct funding and advisory services. In particular:

  • Financial Support provided as direct funding to the beneficiary up to EUR 60,000 grant. These resources will serve the beneficiary to procure external advisors on site. External advisors will work in close cooperation and under the coordination of the advisors provided by the NESOI Consortium (Technical Support). External advisors must be selected to provide the beneficiary with technical assistance activities, such as: feasibility studies, support in tendering procedures, due diligence, financial modelling, etc.
  • Technical Support provided by NESOI Consortium. NESOI members will provide the beneficiaries with ongoing support, including: support to project management, assistance in the tendering process to procure local advisors, review of deliverable and quality assessment, selected Technical Assistance activities in close cooperation with locally-selected, support in impact analysis.

For each level of project maturity, NESOI will provide the applicants with a portfolio of predetermined Technical Assistance Menus (also Menu) to choose from. The guideline for applicants available on NESOI’s website provides further information on this area.

Important dates

  • 29 November 2021: Opening of the Second Call
  • 15 November 2021: Detailed info session (REGISTER HERE)
  • 21 January 2022: Closing of the Second Call
  • 31 March 2022: Final day for evaluation of applications
  • 30 May 2022: Final Day of Grant Agreement signature

How to apply? 

Download the NESOI "Guide For Applicants*" which includes useful information for building a successful application! (update coming soon)