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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 17 August 2021

Clean energy for EU islands Energy Academy - Croatia Edition

Save the date! On October 21-22, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat organises its second Energy Academy focusing on Croatian islands.

Day one of this event will offer the opportunity to familiarise with phase II of the secretariat. Participants get the chance to learn about Croatia’s national Energy and Climate Change Plan, Recovery Fund, and new legislation on the energy market. The workshop is an opportunity for participants to meet like-minded islanders and stakeholders of the clean energy transition and have strategic discussions on how to advance the clean energy transition of Croatian islands. 

On day two, islanders get the chance to learn about the clean energy transition agendas on the island of Cres, Losinj, and Korcula. Experts will discuss financing tools and mechanisms as well as citizen engagement in the energy transition. There will also be a roundtable on the impact of the energy transition on other sectors.

The secretariat team aims to help islanders to select, evaluate, execute, and communicate about energy transition projects through a series of Energy Academy sessions. You can learn more about the purpose of the Energy Academy by joining this second session!

The event will be held in Croatian without translation. 

It will be a hybrid event, with the possibility for online and offline participation in Croatia!

There will be a series of Energy Academies throughout the year on various islands and in different languages in order to allow everyone to exchange their experience, views, and inspiration with like-minded islanders. This provides many opportunities to get to know the Energy Academy and the secretariat.

Find the English version of the agenda here. Click here for the Croatian version. 

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