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Clean energy for EU islands


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Call for Expression of Interest now Open

EU Preparatory Action 'Innovation for place-based transformation' aims to facilitate and promote the transformative innovation approach by raising awareness, building capacity, and conducting experimentation activities with selected participants. Objectives The...

Visual of Preparatory action
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Sixth Call for Postcards: Greetings from the Islands

Share your summer vacation impressions from EU islands. The stunning beaches, vibrant sunsets, and picturesque landscapes captured during summer can be beautifully complemented by wind turbines in the distance. European...

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Sun4All - The EU framework on energy communities

This policy brief gives a brief overview of the political and regulatory context at the European level for the development of energy communities, focusing on their social role. The brief...

Visual identity Sun4All
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The Loss of an Outstanding Community Leader

In Memoriam: John Walsh It is with sadness that we note the passing of John Walsh, a cherished friend of the EU islands secretariat, and a beloved member of the...

bank on a hill covered in grass with tree in the corner