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Clean energy for EU islands
Greece flag

Greece has more than 6,000 islands, of which 227 are inhabited. Greek islands are both electrically interconnected and non-interconnected to the mainland. The non-interconnected islands consist of 29 autonomous systems. Crete is one of the most populous islands in the Mediterranean (8,336 km² - 634,930 inhabitants). Besides Crete there are around 25 medium-sized islands (100-1,000km²) and a large number of small islands (below 100 km²). Greece is currently carrying out interconnection plans, notably for Crete and several islands of the Cyclades. Of the total population of Greece, 15% lives on the islands. This corresponds to 1,650,000 people. The country is split into 7 regions, of which 2 cover only islands, specifically region of Crete and region of Aegean while another 4 include some islands and part of mainland such as Attica, Macedonia and Thrace, Thessaly and Central Greece and Peloponnese, Western Greece and Ionian. The regions plan and implement policies. Public authorities on islands are managed in the same way as other administrative entities in Greece. There are no special cases, apart from a reduced VAT on some islands.

Clean energy national targets

The Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for Greece for the period 2021-2030 aims to increase the overall share of renewable energy sources (RES) in its gross final energy consumption to 35% by 2030. In the electricity sector, the share of renewables will rise to at least 60% by 2030. In the heating and cooling sector RES share in gross final energy consumption will rise to 42.5% by 2030 (30.6% in 2020) and RES share in final consumption for transport will rise from 6.6% in 2020 to 19% in 2030.


Regulatory factsheet 2021-10-29
Greece regulatory factsheet
Greece regulatory factsheet cover
(167.43kB - application/pdf)

Country study

STUDY - Regulatory barriers in Greece: findings and recommendations

This Study on legal and regulatory barriers for the clean energy transition on Greek islands is the result of a consultative process. Based on an inventory of the current legislation and information...

(0.9MB - application/pdf)

Country booklet

BOOKLET: Regulatory barriers in Greece: findings and recommendations

Drawing upon the regulatory inventory of the current legislation, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat carried out surveys and interviews with Greek stakeholders to identify the barriers to the...

Greece Booklet
(2.55MB - application/pdf)