The exemplary role of public authorities is mainly promoted by provisions stipulated in Law No.4342/2015. Apart from that, the establishment of “Electra Fund” will assist public sector authorities in implementing energy efficiency measures. RD&D projects include the promotion of energy autonomy on the island of Ai-Stratis, while other initiatives are expected to follow.
Summary of policies
- Exemplary role of public authorities (Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings- Green Public Procurement- Electra Fund)- Law No.4342/2015 includes specific provisions with regard to energy efficiency in public buildings. To that direction, a draft “Green Public Procurement Action Plan” has been issued, while a special energy efficiency Fund (“Elektra Fund”) that will provide loans to public sector entities is established.
- Ai-Stratis-Green Island - A RD&D project that aims to render the small island of Ai-Stratis energy autonomous. This can be achieved by the installation of RES for electricity and heating and cooling generation. Similar Public-Private Partnerships are projected on other islands of the Aegean Sea.
- Training Programmes - Private Vocational Training Centres approved by MEE and universities offer specific training for installers of RES and energy efficiency installations and for the accreditation of energy auditors.
Competent authorities
- MinDev