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Clean energy for EU islands
Arial visual of Psara

Island facts

Exact population
Exact density
Exact surface dimensions
Secretariat engagement

The electrical system of Psara has for a long time been a wind energy net exporter through its interconnection to the island of Chios. However, the installed intermittent wind capacity can neither cover the island’s electricity needs on a 24/7 basis, nor provide resilience to the local grid or security of supply, in case of interconnection interruption. In such an event, critical infrastructure (water production and distribution systems, telecommunications, Rural Clinic, etc.) could remain out of service. It is to be noted that, as of today, there is no storage or synchronous generation/grid support installed on the island. Regarding transport on and to/from the island, it relies exclusively on vehicles and vessels running on fossil fuel. The heating needs of the islanders are mostly met with low-efficiency means, whereas heat pumps have only recently been installed in a few municipal buildings (however their performance and longevity are challenged by the electricity quality and stability of the local grid).

Through the participation in the 30, 100% renewable islands for 2030 initiative, Psara, with the support of the Secretariat, aims to plan its trajectory towards the vision of 100% RES in all aspects of the energy system, including generation and final consumption, while following a holistic approach for the sustainable use of land and water. The island’s targets, mostly in line with #REPowerEU objectives, refer to (i) RES generation and energy storage suitably sized for the island, that will provide the much-needed resilience and security of supply, (ii) electrification of road and sea transport, and (iii) adoption of energy-efficient technologies for heating and cooling. Of utmost importance is the examination of participatory business models, including islanders and businesses, that will further allow the mitigation of energy poverty and the facilitation of self-consumption and active client schemes.

Organisations involved in the energy transition: 

  1. Municipality of the Heroic Island of Psara -
  2. Public Power Corporation S.A. -
  3. National Technical University of Athens  -


DGReS Aegean NESOI Project Brief.pdf
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DGReS Aegean NESOI Project Brochure.pdf
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