The webinar takes place on 11 January 2023 10 to 11 CET, online. You will receive the access link shortly before the event. In the past two years we have...

The webinar takes place on 11 January 2023 10 to 11 CET, online. You will receive the access link shortly before the event. In the past two years we have...
In this webinar, MEP Younous Omarjee who worked as rapporteur on the report on EU islands and cohesion policy was the main speaker. He gave insights on the cohesion policy...
The 7th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop will take place on the Faroe Islands from 23 – 24 May 2023. The 7th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop offers a prime...
The challenges and the future of non-interconnected islands: lessons learnt for other islands and the mainland Islands that are non-interconnected to the mainland (or to larger grids on other islands)...
Islands face some of the most dramatic consequences of global warming and rising sea levels, including disproportionate biodiversity loss in comparison to the mainland. Islands can not only be pioneers...
After receiving many beautiful submissions from a variety of islands all over Europe, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat has chosen the winners of the third Call for Postcards...
Islands that are non-interconnected to the mainland (or to larger grids on other islands) face specific challenges for their decarbonisation that often limit the development of clean energy projects. Intermittency...
On, 4 October, our webinar concerning marine technologies for EU islands took place with over 30 participants. In this webinar, we explored the fundamentals of marine technologies and provide an...
The first annual report of the Climate Change Committee of the Balearic Islands has just been published. The report describes the European and Spanish framework for the fight against climate...
In our first three podcasts we have been speaking to people on islands around Europe about their experiences moving to a clean energy transition. In this fourth podcast we will...
This JRC energy study analyses the linkage between electricity consumption patterns and tourism during the pandemic shock, investigating the real impact of touristic activities in terms of energy demand. It...
Watch this webinar co-organised by the Green Hysland and H2Ports project to find out what cities, regions and islands can do to decarbonise waterborne transport and port applications. Green Hysland...
As well as mitigating the causes of climate change, energy agencies are also working to help communities adapt to its effects. The Cyprus Energy Agency is carrying out innovative adaptation...
The Clean energy for EU islands Energy Academy Malta Edition took place on 13 and 14 October 2022 in Valletta. The secretariat team aims to help islanders to select, evaluate...
On Tuesday 11 October 2022 the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat awarded the first #CE4EUislands Gamechanger Award, in a ceremony part of the European Week of Regions and Cities...
Announcement of the #CE4EUIslands Gamechanger Award: The Winners On Tuesday 11 October 2022 the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat awarded the first #CE4EUislands Gamechanger Award, in a ceremony part...
The Energy Communities Repository and the Rural Energy Community Advisory Hub are two new initiatives by the European Commission to support energy communities - much like the EU islands secretariat...
The LIFE Clean Energy Transition Call 2022 has 18 funding topics covering important aspects of driving forward the clean energy transition in Europe in all areas of life such as...
The CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 is the first annual co-funded call under the CETPartnership and is co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Partnership scheme. The CETPartnership aims...
In this webinar, we will explore the fundamentals of marine technologies and provide an overview of available technologies and their readiness level. The advantages, disadvantages and suitability depending on the...