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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 02 November 2022

Third Call for Postcards Winners - Greetings from the Islands

Call for POstcards Winners

After receiving many beautiful submissions from a variety of islands all over Europe, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat has chosen the winners of the third Call for Postcards "Greetings from the Islands". 

Like in the last two calls, the secretariat has chosen two winners. Have a look at them below. 

We received submissions from various countries and islands like Malta, Eigersund (Norway), Mykonos (Greece), Chalki (Greece) and La Reunion (France).


Here are the winners: 

Astypalea DAFNI

Maltezana, Atypalea Island, Greece taken by Tonia Tzortzi


Kornati Island

Kornati Archipelago, Kornati National Park, Croatia taken by Petra Schwab