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  • 18 November 2022

7th Hybrid Power Systems Workshop – Call for Papers


The 7th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop will take place on the Faroe Islands from 23 – 24 May 2023.

The 7th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop offers a prime opportunity to discuss the future of hybrid power systems. Participants will look at applications in a variety of locations and operating environments with a focus on system design, operating experience, business models, economics, and implementation issues.

In order to give a presentation at the workshop, please submit a short abstract first, maximum 3,000 characters (free style, plain text). Abstracts can be submitted from 20 September to 15 January 2022.

You need some more information on what to keep in mind when submitting the abstract?

Find the checklist here



  • Abstract submitters will be notified about the acceptance of their papers on 13 February 2023.
  • Final papers must be submitted online until 24 April 2023.
  • As the conference language is English, all abstracts and papers have to be written in English.
  • All participants are responsible for paying their own travel and hotel expenses.


Find all information here.