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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 16 December 2022

WEBINAR: The role of DSOs in the energy transition of the islands

webinar dso

The webinar takes place on 11 January 2023 10 to 11 CET, online. You will receive the access link shortly before the event.

In the past two years we have been collaborating with member states and island stakeholders to better understand barriers and opportunities to clean energy transition on the EU islands. Grid constrains are seen as one of the key barriers. While DSOs have a role to ensure security of supply, together with policy markers and regulators they need to find a way to prepare for decarbonisation of islands. Electricity grids need to be upgraded and more flexible to integrate increased share of RES while keeping quality and security of supply. There is no discussion that DSOs play a crucial role in enabling energy transition.

Join us in this 1 hour webinar to hear examples of how DSOs have taken a proactive approach in enabling energy transition of islands. Together we discuss what is the role of DSOs in the future energy systems of decarbonized and sustainable islands.


10:00-10:05 | Welcome by Lucija Rakocevic, Clean energy for EU islands secretariat

10:05-10:10 | Role of DSOs in the energy transition process by Sebastian Vogel, E-DSO 

10:10-10:20 | The Impact of Madeira’s Batteries on the Management of the Islands’ Electrical Systems by Diogo Vasconcelos, EEM-Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira, S.A.

10:20-10:30 | Questions

10:30-10:40 | Argiro Magkanioti, Islands network operation department, HEDNO, Greece

10:40-10:55 | Questions and discussion

10:55-11:00 | Closing by Edita Dranseikaite, DG ENER 


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