The French State supports the RES-E sector with several schemes. The most widely adopted tools - in terms of technologies supported – are the feed-in tariff and the premium tariff. Tenders for issuing feed-in and premium tariffs are also one of the largest support schemes in France. In the NECP, the French government has set a target of 40% for the share of renewable energies in final electricity consumption by 2030.
Summary of support system
- Feed-in tariff: a minimum price is paid to the renewable energy plant operator by the supplier for the electricity exported into the grid.
- Premium tariff: paid to renewable energy producers in order to compensate for the difference between the income from energy sale and a reference level of remuneration, set by decree depending on technology and size of the plant.
- Tenders for issuing feed-in and premium tariffs: the PPE lays out the objectives for calls for tenders for 2023 and 2028.
- Over-the-counter contracts for energy purchase to compensate for the additional costs linked to energy purchase contracts on the non-interconnected islands.
Competent authorities
Ministry of Energy

The subsidy for biogas and solar thermal technologies (fonds chaleur) is the main support scheme for RES-H&C on the national level in France. It is a subsidy administered by ADEME and is targeted towards biomass and solar thermal technologies.
There is also a Regional scheme for the subsidy, which is administered by ADEME in the form of regularly launched calls for projects aimed at local authorities and companies wishing to develop systems for producing heating or cooling from biomass, geothermal energy, thermal solar energy and biogas.
In the NECP, France has set a target of 38% renewable energies in final heat consumption by 2030. -
Summary of support schemes
- Fonds chaleur – subsidy for biogas and solar thermal technologies
- Éco-prêt à taux zero – zero interest loan for energy renovation
Competent authorities
Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l‘Énergie (ADEME)
There are several support schemes for RES-T in France, spanning from a bonus on the purchase of low-emission vehicles, a tax incentive for biofuel incorporation, to a tax credit for installing a charge station for electric vehicles.
In its NECP, France has set the target of a reduction in emissions for the transport sector of 5% in 2030, and 6% in 2050 compared to 2015. Apart from that, according to the NECP, France foresees to achieve a 35% electric passenger vehicle market share and a 10% plug-in hybrid passenger car market share in 2030 (27% and 7% respectively in 2028). -
Summary of support schemes
- Bonus écologique - Financial aid allocated to any purchaser of a vehicle with a CO2 emission rate less than or equal to 20 g/km
- Taxe incitative relative à l'incorporation de biocarburants – tax incentive on the incorporation of biofuels
- Crédit d’impôt pour l’installation de bornes de recharge pour véhicule électrique – Tax credit of 75% for the installation of an electric vehicle charging station
Competent authorities
- Agence de services et de paiement (ASP)
- French customs administration
- Direction Générale des Finances Publiques