The French State supports the RES-E sector with several schemes. The most widely adopted tools - in terms of technologies supported – are the feed-in tariff and the premium tariff. Tenders for issuing feed-in and premium tariffs are also one of the largest support schemes in France. In the NECP, the French government has set a target of 40% for the share of renewable energies in final electricity consumption by 2030.
Summary of support system
- Feed-in tariff: a minimum price is paid to the renewable energy plant operator by the supplier for the electricity exported into the grid.
- Premium tariff: paid to renewable energy producers in order to compensate for the difference between the income from energy sale and a reference level of remuneration, set by decree depending on technology and size of the plant.
- Tenders for issuing feed-in and premium tariffs: the PPE lays out the objectives for calls for tenders for 2023 and 2028.
- Over-the-counter contracts for energy purchase to compensate for the additional costs linked to energy purchase contracts on the non-interconnected islands.
Competent authorities
Ministry of Energy

There are several support schemes for RES-T in France, spanning from a bonus on the purchase of low-emission vehicles, a tax incentive for biofuel incorporation, to a tax credit for installing a charge station for electric vehicles.
In its NECP, France has set the target of a reduction in emissions for the transport sector of 5% in 2030, and 6% in 2050 compared to 2015. Apart from that, according to the NECP, France foresees to achieve a 35% electric passenger vehicle market share and a 10% plug-in hybrid passenger car market share in 2030 (27% and 7% respectively in 2028). -
Summary of support schemes
- Bonus écologique - Financial aid allocated to any purchaser of a vehicle with a CO2 emission rate less than or equal to 20 g/km
- Taxe incitative relative à l'incorporation de biocarburants – tax incentive on the incorporation of biofuels
- Crédit d’impôt pour l’installation de bornes de recharge pour véhicule électrique – Tax credit of 75% for the installation of an electric vehicle charging station
Competent authorities
- Agence de services et de paiement (ASP)
- French customs administration
- Direction Générale des Finances Publiques