Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
- Code de l’énergie
- Arrêté du 9 mai 2017 soleil
- Arrêté du 9 mai 2017 biogaz
- Arrêté du 3 septembre 2019 biogaz
- Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz
- Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 hydro
- Décret du 28 mai 2016
- Arrêté du 8 mars 2013
- Loi de finances 2021
Description of support scheme
Feed-in tariff schemes are established by orders for specific technologies using renewable energy sources for electricity production. These orders guarantee that a minimum price be paid to the renewable energy plant operator by the supplier (EDF or private suppliers) for the electricity exported to the grid.
Each order sets time limits for the tariffs, based on the technology:
• Wind energy in cyclonic risk areas: 15 years (Art. 4, Arrêté du 8 mars 2013)
• Solar energy (photovoltaic energy): 20 years (Art. 7, Arrêté du 9 mai 2017 soleil)
• Biogas: 20 years (art.10, Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz)
• Hydro-electricity: 20 years (Art.9, arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 hydro) -
Wind energy offshore:
• Floating wind energy installations: the tariff is agreed during the call procedure.
• Wind energy (offshore) plants exposed to cyclonic risk: €0.23 per kWh for the first 10 years, followed between a tariff ranging from €0.05 to €0.23 for five years depending on operational time.
Solar energy: the tariffs - which are only applicable to plants with a capacity limited to 100 kW - are published quarterly by CRE (Energy Regulatory Commission).
• Plants with a capacity of ≤ 80 kW: €0.175 per kWh
• Plants with a capacity of ≥ 500 kW: €0.150 per kWh
• Plants with a capacity between 80 and 500 kW: linear interpolation
• Bonus of €0.05 per kWh for plants using 60% manure
• the tariffs are decreased by 0.5% on a quarterly basis (Annex 1, Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz)
Hydro power:
• New or existing tidal or wave energy, marine current turbines, and run-of-river plants with a drop height over 30 meters:
o Non-interconnected area: € 0.12/kWh
o Interconnected areas and Corsica: between € 0.088/kWh in summer and € 0.166/kWh in winter
• New or existing tidal or wave energy, marine current turbines, and run-of-river plants with a drop height up to 30 meters:
o Non-interconnected area: € 0.132/kWh
o Interconnected areas and Corsica: between € .0096/kWh in summer and € 0.182/kWh in winter
• New turbines derived by minimum water flow originating from a running hydro power plant holding a hydroelectric concession
o Non-interconnected area: € 0.08/kWh
o Interconnected areas and Corsica: between € 0.058/kWh in summer and € 0.11/kWh in winter
Non-interconnected areas include: Corsica, the overseas departments and regions (Guadeloupe, Reunion, Mayotte), the territorial communities (Martinique, Guyana), certain overseas collectivities (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna in particular) and the Channel Island of Chausey. New Caledonia and French Polynesia, due to their special status, are not considered as non-interconnected areas. -
The addressees of feed-in tariffs are operators of eligible plants, whose installation does not exceed 12 MW or the technology specific limits. On the other hand, electricity suppliers (EDF and local operators) are the designated entities for paying the feed-in tariff.
Purchase agreements are put in place between renewable energy plant operators and electricity suppliers, mandating for the payment of the supplied electricity.
Competent authority
Ministry of Energy, or Regional prefect.
Energy Regulatory Commission or CRE also provides advice on the draft decree.