Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
Loi de finances pour 2019
Description of support scheme
The zero-interest eco-loan allows to finance the energy renovation of houses without making a cash advance and without paying interest. The support is extended until 31 December 2021. The installation of a heating system using a renewable energy source is one of seven possible areas of intervention.
Only one zero-interest eco-loan can be granted per dwelling, unless a complementary zero-interest eco-loan is used, without the total amount of the two loans exceeding €30,000.
Depending on the type of work, homeowners are entitled to:
• up to €15,000 for a single action from the list of eligible works, except for the replacement of windows, where the ceiling is €7,000
• up to €25,000 for carrying out 2 of the 7 eligible actions
• up to €30,000 if you carry out 3 or more of the 7 eligible actions and for work that achieves a minimum overall energy performance
• up to €10,000 for the rehabilitation of a non-collective sanitation syste -
The loan is available for the following categories:
• Natural persons (owner-occupier or lessor) including co-ownerships.
• Non-trading companies not subject to corporation tax, at least one of whose partners is an individual.
The zero-interest eco-loan (eco-PTZ) is available to all homeowners, whether they are occupants or lessors, and is not means-tested. -
Once homeowners have budgeted for the work to be carried out, they must apply to a bank after filling in the "Borrower" form, duly accompanied by supporting documents.
The credit institution that distributes the zero-rate eco-loan must have signed an agreement with the State.
Homeowners have 3 years to carry out the work from the time the loan offer is issued. When the work is completed, all the invoices must be sent to the chosen credit institution for proving that the work has been carried out. If the identity of the company or the nature of the work has changed since your eco-PTZ was granted, you must also submit the "Companies" form. -