Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
- Arrêté du 3 septembre 2019 biogaz
- Arrêté du 9 mai 2017 biogaz
- Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz
- Arrêté du 6 mai 2017 vent
- Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 geo
- Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 hydro
- Code de l’énergie
Description of support scheme
A premium tariff (complément de rémunération) - in the form of guaranteed contracts - is paid to renewable energy producers in order to compensate for the difference between the income from energy sale and a reference level of remuneration, set by decree depending on technology and size of the plant.
Eligibility period is 20 years (Arrêté du 6 mai 2017 vent, Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 geo, Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 hydro, Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz). -
Wind Energy:
• The amount of the premium is calculated according to a formula provided in the Annex of the Arrêté of 6 mai 2017 vent, taking into account:
o monthly electricity amount produced by the RES installation and delivered during the operating hours of the spot wholesale market
o reference tariff in €/MWh mentioned in R.314-37 Code de l’énergie, which is defined according to Annex III Order of 6 mai 2017. The reference tariff is based on the average investment and operating costs of an efficient installation representative of the sector in question.
o reference market price for the respective month mentioned in R.314-38 Code de l’énergie
o management premium mentioned in R.314-41 Code de l’énergie and equals 2.8 €/MWh for the whole contract period
o number of capacity guarantees, defined in MW, defined for a calendar year
o reference market price of the capacity, expressed in € / MW.
Geothermal energy, biogas, hydro power: The amount of the premium is calculated according to a formula provided in the Annexes of specific decrees, taking into account:
o annual electricity amount produced by the RES installation and delivered during the operating hours of the spot wholesale market
o reference tariff
o reference market price for the respective RES technology, as calculated by the French regulatory authority
o management premium
o number of capacity guarantees, defined in MW, defined for a calendar year
o reference market price of the capacity, expressed in € / MW. -
The addressees of the premium tariff are eligible renewable energy plants operators. Electricity suppliers the designated entities for paying the premium tariff.
A binding agreement is put in place by law between renewable energy plant operators and electricity suppliers, which stipulates that operators are entitled to payment for the energy that they input into the wholesale market.
Competent authority
The competent authority is, depending on the case, the Ministry of Energy or the regional Regional prefect. CRE also provides advice by deliberation for the draft decree regarding the mechanisms of open desk.