France has several policies to support the integration of renewable energy sources. There are both training programmes for RES plants installers and construction workers, and certification programmes for RES installations. The French State is also leading the way by example, and it has pledged to renew a significant amount of public buildings and to finance public R&D projects.
Summary of policies
- Qualit’EnR – professional training for installers of renewable energy installations
- Qualibat – professional credentials for installers of renewable energy installations
- Alliance Qualité Photovoltaique –label certifying quality of services provided by companies in the solar photovoltaic sector
- Flamme verte – certification for high-quality products such as wood-burning fireplace inserts, stoves, and boilers
- NF414 – certification label for heat pumps
- Plan de rénovation énergétique des bâtiments – support scheme for energy renovation of public buildings
- Programme d'investissements d'avenir – R&D programme for renewable energy sources
Competent authorities
- Qualit´EnR Association
- Local Qualibat Agency
- French renewable energy syndicate (SER)
- French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME)
- French certification organisation (AFNOR)
- Ministry of Energy