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Tenders (Complément de rémunération par procédure de mise en concurrence)

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

  • Code de l'Énergie
  • Décret n° 2020-456

Description of support scheme

The new Multi-annual Programming for Energy (PPE) - which is implemented with Décret n° 2020-456 – lays out the calls for tenders’ goals to be attained by 2023 and 2028.

Auctioned volume

Installed capacity
The PPE (Décret n° 2020-456) established the following objectives:
• Wind energy onshore: 24.1 GW for 2023 / between 33.2 and 34.7 GW for 2028
• Wind energy offshore: 2.4 GW for 2023 / between 5.2 and 6.2 GW for 2028
• Solar energy: 20.1 GW for 2023 / between 35.1 and 44 GW for 2028
• Geothermal energy: 2.9 TWh for 2023 / between 4 and 5.2 TWh for 2028
• Hydro-power (including tidal): 25.7 GW for 2023 / between 26.4 and 26.7 GW for 2028
• Biomass: 145 TWh for 2023 / between 157 and 169 TWh for 2028

The indicative timetable for the launch of tendering procedures for renewable electricity until 2024 is as follows:
• For onshore wind: two calls for tenders per year for 925 MW per period, starting in the second half of 2020 (excluding renewals);
• For ground-mounted photovoltaics: two calls for tenders per year for a total of 1 GW per period, starting in the second half of 2019;
• For building-mounted photovoltaics: three calls for tenders per year up to 300 MW per period;
• For hydroelectricity under licence: 1 tender of 35 MW per year.
• For floating wind: 250 MW in Southern Britany (target price for tender of 120€/MWh) in 2021 / 2 × 250 MW in the Mediterranean Sea (target price for tender of 110€/MWh) in 2022.
• Installed offshore wind: 500-1000 MW in Southern Atlantic (60€/MWh) in 2021 and 2022 / 1000 MW in Southern Atlantic (50€/MWh) in 2023.
• Period 2024-28: 1,000 MW per year, installed and/or floating, depending on prices and deposits, with target tariffs converging towards market prices for installed capacity

Support type

Fixed feed-in premium
Feed-in tariff
According to Art. L311-12 of the Code de l’énergie, successful candidates designated by the administrative authority benefit, according to the terms and conditions provided for by the competitive bidding procedure:
• Either a purchase contract for the electricity produced;
• Or a contract offering additional remuneration for the electricity produced.
The winners will be able to benefit from either a feed-in tariff or a remuneration supplement, depending on the installed capacity of the projects and the specifications of the procedure:
• EDF is the body responsible for contracting and paying the remuneration supplement
• for the purchase obligation, the obliged buyers are EDF and the local distribution companies. The purchase contracts concluded following a competitive bidding procedure can also be transferred to an approved organisation at the request of the producer who holds the contract.


Any person residing in an EU State (or any other State specified by international treaty) planning to develop a plant in France can participate to tenders. EDF and other private distributors are obligated to pay the agreed feed-in and premium tariffs.


  • Participants have to meet technical and financial pre-qualification criteria published in the EU official gazette (Art. L311-10-1 and Art. R311-25-3 code de l’énergie)
  • There are two ways to complete the bidding process, which are defined by Art. R311-12, code de l’énergie:
    • Call for tenders: the most advantageous bid is chosen by the Ministry of Energy, upon the thorough investigation led by the CRE. The latter sets the tender criteria , which are communicated to participants in a specification document
    • Competitive dialogue procedure: CRE conducts a dialogue with the candidates admitted to participate in the procedure with the aim of defining or developing solutions that meet its needs and on the basis of which these candidates are invited to submit a tender
  • The tender documents specify both the pricing and the date upon which the plant must be commissioned (R311-25-3 and Article R311-13, code de l’énergie)
  • Successful tenderers are entitled to receive compensation (purchase agreements) from EDF or other private suppliers for the energy produced.

Competent authority

Ministry of Energy


Wind energy onshore


Wind energy offshore


Solar energy


Geothermal energy




