In Spain there are multiple support schemes for RES-E technologies in place. Many programmes are regulated at the National level, however, Autonomous Communities and Municipalities also administrate funds and specific support schemes, such as tax exemptions or subsidies to cover for example 50% of the total costs of PV installations (for self-consumption).
The IDAE in cooperation with ERDF (European Regional Development Funds) runs programmes to grant non-refundable subsidies to RES-E projects. For instance, there is one special programme for wind and PV projects exclusively located in non-peninsular territories (such as islands).
Spain pledged ambitious renewable energy targets for 2030. In the electricity sector, renewable sources will account 74% of the total generation by 2030. This represents an increase of 32 percentage points over this period, from 42% in 2020 to 74% in 2030. The goal is set to 42% of renewables over total gross final energy consumption by 2030. -
Summary of support system
- Subsidy (Grants for wind and PV electricity projects in non-peninsular territories) - Non-repayable grants to wind power or PV electricity projects, exclusively located in non-peninsular territories.
- Subsidy (Grants for investment in RE electricity and thermal projects) - Allocation of non-refundable grants for electricity projects using RES
- Tenders / Auctions: Economic Regime for Renewable Energies – Allocation of a sliding feed-in premium
- Tenders / Auctions: Specific Remuneration Regime - Allocation of a sliding feed-in premium
- Net-Metering & Net-Billing - Self-consumption projects with surplus subject to compensation can benefit from a simplified compensation mechanism
- Tax regulation mechanisms (Allowance on the Real Estate Tax for solar energy systems) - 50 percent rebate of the full amount of the tax for properties where a solar energy system for thermal or electrical use has been installed
- Tax regulation mechanisms (Allowance on the Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works) - Rebate of up to 95 percent in favour of constructions, installations or works in which systems for the thermal or electrical use of solar energy are incorporated.
- RES-E building obligation (Minimum generation quota from RES in non-residential buildings) – Buildings larger than 3,000 m2 shall install a RE generation system (between 30 kW and 100 kW)
Competent authorities
- Directorate General for Energy Policy and Mines
- Autonomous Communities
- Municipalities

Different programmes aim to grant aid to projects that use renewable energy sources in the heating and cooling sector. In particular, non-refundable subsidies are allocated to these types of projects. The described subsidies are administered by IDAE and the Autonomous Communities.
Besides, on the fiscal area, the legislation introduced allowances on the Real Estate Tax and on the Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works that incorporate solar system for thermal uses.
Last, the Building Code sets the obligation for certain buildings to have a minimum contribution of 70% from RE to cover domestic hot water demand.
The Spanish NECP calculates a trajectory of 31% share of RES in energy gross final consumption in the heating and cooling sector by 2030, compared to 18% in 2020. -
Summary of support schemes
- Subsidy (Grants for investment in RE electricity and thermal projects) – Allocation of non-refundable grants for thermal projects using RES
- Subsidy (Energy Rehabilitation of Buildings) - Subsidies for energy refurbishment actions in existing buildings, using RE sources, regardless of their use and the legal status of their owners
- Tax regulation mechanisms (Allowance on the Real Estate Tax for solar energy systems) - 50 percent rebate of the full amount of the tax for properties where a solar energy system for thermal or electrical use has been installed
- Tax regulation mechanisms (Allowance on the Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works) - Allowance of up to 95 percent in favour of constructions, installations or works in which systems for the thermal or electrical use of solar energy are incorporated
- RES-H building obligations (Minimum Renewable Energy contribution to cover heating of water in buildings) – Minimum quota of 70% from RES to cover total annual demand
Competent authorities
- Autonomous Communities
- Municipalities
The MOVES II and III Programmes are support policies to allocate subsidies for efficient and sustainable mobility, such as the purchase of EVs, but also to provide aid to RES-T infrastructure, for instance, for the implementation of EV charging stations.
The tax rates of the Special Tax on Certain Means of Transport are based on the CO2 emissions of the vehicle. Similarly, environmental elements are considered for the granting of allowances in the Mechanical Traction Vehicles Tax (the fuel used and the type of engine).
Apart from that, Spain has in place a quota system for the sale and consumption of biofuels.
The Spanish NECP foresees that by 2030, the RE quota in energy gross final consumption in the transport sector will be 28%, compared to 10% in 2020. -
Summary of support schemes
- Subsidy (MOVES II Programme) – Subsidies for the acquisition of different types of vehicles (EVs, among others), EVs charging stations, and electric bicycle renting systems.
- Subsidy (MOVES III Programme) - Subsidies for the procurement of plug-in and fuel cell EVs and to the implementation of EV charging infrastructure
- Tax regulation mechanism (Tax rates and allowances adjusted by environmental elements) – Certain tax rates and allowances vary according to the CO2 emissions, the type of fuel and the vehicle´s engine.
- Biofuel quota (Promotion of Biofuels) – A minimum percentage of biofuels sales and consumptions as a percentage of total petrol or diesel sold or consumed in the transport sector, is set for every year
- Support of RES-T infrastructure – charging for e-vehicles (Programmes MOVES II and III) – The Programmes also allocate subsidies for the implementation of EV charging stations and associated infrastructure
Competent authorities
- Autonomous Communities