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RES-E building obligations (Minimum generation quota from RES in non-residential buildings)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • RD 732/2019
    • Building Code
  2. Summary

    The Building Code of 2006 was modified by RD 732/2019, to include certain basic energy-saving requirements in buildings (residential and non-residential sector).
    In particular, it is required that non-residential buildings with built-up areas larger than 3,000 m2 install a renewable energy generation system for own use or for grid supply. The mandatory installed capacity varies according to the building size (the compulsory power to be installed, in any case, shall not be less than 30kW and shall not exceed 100 kW) (Annex I, RD 732/2019).
    Quantification of the requirement:
    The minimum power to be installed “Pmin” shall be obtained from the following formula:
    Pmin = 0.01 * S ; without exceeding the value of the following formula: Plim = 0.05 * SC
    Pmin, Plim: power to be installed [kW];
    S: floor area of the building [m2],
    SC: building's roof area [m2].

  3. Obligated entities

    According to RD 732/2019, the obligation will apply to:
    • newly constructed buildings and extensions to existing buildings, where they exceed or increase the built-up area by more than 3,000 m2;
    • existing buildings that are completely refurbished, or in which there is a change in the characteristic use of the building, when the built-up area exceeds 3,000 m2.
    In the cases where the required power capacity cannot be installed due to architectural or building protection reasons (among others), different alternatives and solutions will be analysed.

  4. Competent authority