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Subsidy (MOVES III Programme)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    RD 266/2021

  2. Description of support scheme

    The MOVES III Programme aims for the direct allocation of grant to the Autonomous Communities for the implementation of incentive programmes regarding electric mobility. The Programme is connected to the European Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
    The grants will be allocated to the procurement of plug-in and fuel cell EVs and to the implementation of EV charging infrastructure.
    Applications can be submitted until 31 December 2023 (article 4, RD 266/2021).

  3. Amount

    The budget allocation amounts to 400 million Euros until the end of 2023. It is co-financed by the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF).
    The amount of the grants vary according to the vehicle category and a table with different values is included in Annex III of RD 266/2021. The grant can reach up to 7,000 Euros in the case of commercial vehicles and up to 4,500 Euros in the case of passenger cars. The grant can cover not only the charging infrastructure itself, but also in the case of communities of owners (such as horizontal property), the electrical pre-installation and communications service to provide smart recharging for electric vehicles will be eligible for subsidy.

  4. Addressees

    The eligible parties are: individual and self-employed persons, communities of owners, legal entities, local entities and institutional public sector (article 11, RD 266/2021)

  5. Procedure

    The Central Government (National level, through IDAE) will transfer to the Autonomous Communities the funds, and the Communities will then organize the allocation of the direct grants to the final users (article 10, RD 266/2021).
    Autonomous Communities will grant the aid directly and this shall be processed on a competitive basis. Once the Autonomous Community approves the call, applications can be submitted until 31 December 2023.

  6. Competent authority

    • MITECO
    • IDAE
    • Autonomous Communities
  7. Technologies

    Electric vehicle

    Procurement of plug-in and fuel cell electric vehicles are included, as well as the implementation of EV charging infrastructure (article 13, RD 266/2021).
    Regarding charging infrastructure, the IDAE states that the infrastructure may be either public or private access. The charging infrastructure may be of any power and be intended for the following uses: private use in residential sector; public use in the non-residential sector (public parking lots, hotels, shopping centers, universities, hospitals, industrial parks, sports centers, etc.); private use in parking areas of private and public companies, to service their own fleet; public use in parking areas of private and public companies, to provide service to their employees and customers; public use on public roads, urban and interurban roads; public use in road networks, being of special interest the recharging infrastructure in service stations and gas stations.
