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Subsidy (Energy Rehabilitation of Buildings)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    RD 737/2020

  2. Description of support scheme

    RD 737/2020 establishes the regulatory bases for the granting of subsidies for energy refurbishment actions in existing buildings, regardless of their use and the legal status of their owners. The main objective is to reduce the final energy consumption and GHG emissions, through energy savings, energy efficiency, and the use of RE sources. The subsidies are co-financed with European funds. The programme runs until 31 July 2021 (article 3, RD 737/2020).
    The subsidies can cover the following actions, among others: improvement of energy efficiency and use of renewable energies in thermal installations for heating, air conditioning, cooling, ventilation and domestic hot water (article 13, RD 737/2020).

  3. Amount

    The programme has a budget of 362,176,283.86 EUR, administered by IDAE (article 9, RD 737/2020). The subsidies can cover up to 35% of total eligible costs (Annex I, RD 737/2020). All eligible costs are detailed in Annex I, for example, improvement of the energy efficiency of the thermal envelope, of thermal installations, etc. In general, actions must achieve and justify a reduction in final energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions compared to their baseline situation.
    Buildings included in a RE community or a citizen energy community are eligible for additional support (up to 35%).
    These grants are compatible with other support schemes for similar purposes, under certain conditions set in article 15 of RD 737/2020.

  4. Addressees

    The ultimate recipients of the subsidies may be, among others: natural or legal persons (public or private) who are owners of existing buildings intended for any use; owners´ associations of residential buildings; companies operating buildings; renewable energy communities and citizen energy communities (article 11, RD 737/2020).

  5. Procedure

    The budget of the programme is transferred from the National government to the Autonomous Communities, who will then allocate it to the beneficiaries according to their own regulation (articles 5 and 17, RD 737/2020).
    To be eligible for the programme, actions must achieve and justify a reduction in final energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions with respect to their baseline situation, and comply with the conditions established by the Royal Decree (article 13, RD 737/2020).

  6. Competent authority

    • MITECO
    • IDAE
    • Autonomous Communities
  7. Technologies





    Geothermal energy


    Solar Thermal
