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Biofuel quota (Promotion of Biofuels)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • RD 1085/2015
    • RD 205/2021
  2. Description of support scheme

    In 2011, Spain introduced a support scheme to promote the use of biofuels in the transport sector. Certain quota of biofuels were established for wholesale operators, retail operator and consumers.
    The biofuel quota refers to the percentages of biofuel sales or consumption as a percentage of total petrol and diesel sold or consumed, for transport purposes, in energy content, including biofuels, and which shall be calculated, for each of the obligated parties (article 2, RD 1085/2015).

  3. Amount of quota and period of application

    Minimum quotas for the sale or consumption of biofuels (First additional provision, RD 205/2021):
    • 2021: 9.5%
    • 2022: 10%

  4. Addressees

    The obligated parties are (Article 3, RD 1085/2015):
    • wholesale operators of the hydrocarbons sector for their annual sales on the national market;
    • retailers engaged in the distribution of petroleum products for the part of their annual sales on the national market not supplied by the wholesale operators; and
    • consumers of petroleum products, for the part of their annual consumption not supplied by wholesale operator or by retailers.

  5. Procedure

    To demonstrate compliance with the quota, every year the obligated parties must provide proof of ownership of a minimum quantity of biofuel certificates to meet the minimum mandatory targets (RD 1085/2015 and RD 205/2021).
    MITECO has the competence to issue certificates and manages the certification mechanism for the consumption and slae of biofuels.

  6. Competent authority


  7. Technologies


    The RD 205/2021 sets certain limitation on biofuels produced from food and feed crop: their share cannot exceed 7% of final energy consumption in transport in the years 2021 and 2022.

    Electric vehicle