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  • Electricity support

Subsidy (Grants for wind and PV electricity projects in non-peninsular territories)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    Order TEC/1380/2018

  2. Description of support scheme

    The IDAE, in cooperation with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), is entitled to allocate financial support (non-repayable grants) to projects intended to generate electricity from wind power or PV, exclusively located in non-peninsular territories.
    Order TEC/1380/2018 established the regulatory bases for the award of grants for these projects. Based on this order, the IDAE has opened different programmes to grant aid.

  3. Amount

    Order TEC/1380/2018 did not establish a limit in the grant amount. However, article 13 prescribes that the decision granting the aid shall specify the total amount of aid granted, expressed in €, which may not exceed the ceiling of €15 million per project. For example, the IDAE organized a call for grant for investment in wind power generation facilities located in the Canary Islands, approved in November 2020. This call was limited to construction of electricity facilities using wind power technology with a nominal installed capacity of 700 kW or more.
    Instead, Order TEC/1380/2018 stated that the maximum amount of aid that may be granted to each investment project, expressed in €/MW, will be established in the corresponding call for proposals.
    These grants are incompatible with other aids granted for the same purpose, coming from any public administrations or public or private entities, national, European Union or other international organizations. Likewise, they are incompatible with the receipt of the specific remuneration regime regulated in Royal Decree 413/2014, of June 6, which regulates the activity of electricity production from renewable energy sources, cogeneration and waste (article 10, Order TEC/1380/2018).

  4. Addressees

    Legal entities that comply with the requirements established in the Order TEC/1380/2018 and with the provisions of Law 24/2013 in relation to electricity producers.

  5. Procedure

    To get the grant, producers need to participate in the competitive mechanism organized per each call for proposal.

  6. Competent authority  

    • MITECO
    • IDAE
  7. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore


    Wind energy offshore
    Solar energy


    Geothermal energy