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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 29 October 2021

Welcome to Chios

Within the framework of the Clean energy for EU islands program, the Municipality of Chios Island in Greece and the Centre for Renewable energy Sources & Saving (CRES) are organizing, on the 9th of November, the 1st online workshop on the way to create and implement the Clean Energy Transition Agenda (CETA) for Chios island.

During the workshop, there will be presentations on the Clean energy for EU islands program, on current and future activities of Chios towards their clean energy transition as well as presentations on the current energy profile and stakeholders mapping. Moreover, there will also be presentations on best practices, available technologies, opportunities and barriers as well as lessons learnt from other Greek islands. This 1st workshop is expected to contribute to the development of the vision regarding the island’s clean energy transition and the necessary pathways.

Chios has recently been selected as one of the Greek islands to receive technical assistance within the framework of the Clean energy for EU islands program, while CRES, as the regional partner in Greece, facilitates the overall procedure.