The MAC-Clima Project, 'Meteorological and oceanic observation system as a tool for the promotion of resilience and adaptation to climate change in the cooperation area', co-financed by the Interreg MAC 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme of the European Commission is led by the Gran Canaria Island Energy Council, and involves several institutions from Madeira, Mauritania, the Canary Islands, Cape Verde and Senegal, one of them being the University Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development (TiDES) of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain).
The project focuses on the promotion of pilot actions, training and best practices exchange to engage the society on the urgent need to reduce emissions. The main mission of the TiDES Institute is to analyse socio-psychological factors constraining the residents’ willingness to make cuts to their lifestyles and to sacrifice habits in order to reduce emissions. Among the factors analysed are the level of knowledge and information residents have about climate change, and the level of responsibility adscribed to the tourism sector as a contributor to this global phenomenon.