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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 27 October 2021

19th European Week of Regions and Cities

Workshop: Islands as leaders towards net zero: from clean energy vision to energy action - European Week of Regions and Cities (14 October 2021)

The Clean energy for EU islands secretariat participated in the European Week of Regions and Cities 2021 with a jointly organised workshop on clean energy transition on EU islands.  

The EU island secretariat’s Marina Montero Carrero (Technical lead of the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat), as well as Andrea Martinez (Deputy Managing Director of Sistema Iniziative Locali) representing the NESOI network, discussed the role of islands as powerful drivers of Europe's clean energy transition. 

Following on from these presentations Nuria Albet-Torres (La Palma Renovable) and Pau de Vilchez Moragues (Assistant Research Lecturer UIB -Deputy Director of the Interdisciplinary Lab on Climate Change (LINCC) – Chair of the Climate Change Committee of the Balearic Islands) discussed La Palma Renovable, a citizen-led organisation working on La Palma’s clean energy transition.


View and listen to the full recording here.

Also check out the 2nd Open Call | NESOI