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Clean energy for EU islands
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TwinSolar Summer School on Solar and Wind Energy

From 21 to 25 August, TwInSolar partners, accompanied by 13 researchers from the University of La Reunion, were welcomed by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) for a week of...

Summer School Visual
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EP Think Thank Publishes Guide to EU Funding 2023 Edition

The European Union provides financial support to a diverse range of beneficiaries, including regional and local authorities, NGOs, businesses, professionals, and citizens. To facilitate easy access to this information, the...

a wallet with 50€ notes sticking out
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Harnessing Talent Platform: A new boost for EU Regions

The Harnessing Talent Platform (HTP) is a newly formed knowledge-building and experience-exchange platform, which seeks to support regions in addressing the consequences of the demographic change and in mitigating the...

Visual Harnessing Platform
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Call for Videos 2023 - Watch all submissions here!

Seven inspiring submissions have reached us from islands across the EU, sharing their remarkable journeys to clean energy. These islands are eager to achieve energy independence through renewable sources, create...

island and sunset
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Ireland: Our Living Islands

The Irish Department of Rural and Community Development has launched its first Irish Islands policy in 27 years. Due to the lobbying work of Aran Islands Energy Coop the policy...

Visual aran
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ITP instrument: 150 M EUR for Croatian Islands

The instrument for the uniform development of the island was developed in cooperation with the Island Council. It is fully adapted to the islands and will enable the improvement of...

Brac island