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Clean energy for EU islands
Picture of people standing in a room with large screens wearing safety helmets

In a three-day event held from 19 to 21 March 2024, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat convened stakeholders in Puna’auia, Tahiti, French Polynesia. The workshop aimed to address the pressing technical and legislative hurdles hindering the energy transition in French Overseas Territories.

The secretariat, dedicated to supporting the clean energy transition of EU islands, spearheaded this initiative. Despite not being part of the initial study on regulatory barriers and recommendations for clean energy transition in EU islands, France's inclusion in this event signified a significant step forward.

The workshop facilitated insightful discussions among key stakeholders from five French Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs): French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Saint-Barthélémy, Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon, and Wallis-and-Futuna. Representatives from these regions engaged in interactive sessions, presentations, and site visits tailored to address their specific energy transition challenges.

group picture in front of green mountains with people wearing safety helmets

One of the workshop's highlights was its focus on the technical and legislative intricacies of integrating renewable energy sources (RES) into the energy grids of non-interconnected islands. Discussions delved into topics such as grid operation, regulatory frameworks, and the incorporation of flexible technologies to ensure grid stability and optimize energy production.

Furthermore, participants explored policy recommendations and regulatory frameworks essential for facilitating the energy transition in French Overseas Territories. Insights gleaned from the workshop are poised to inform future policy developments at both the national and European levels, driving tangible progress towards sustainable energy solutions.

The event underscored the importance of collaboration and knowledge exchange in overcoming the multifaceted challenges associated with the energy transition. By fostering dialogue among diverse stakeholders, the CE4EUislands workshop in Tahiti provided a platform for collective action towards building resilient and environmentally sustainable energy systems across French Overseas Territories.