According to goals set for the transportation sector in its National and Energy Climate Plan 2030, Portugal envisages renewables to hold a share of 20% of the final consumption by 2030 (NECP) and a reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases of 40% by the same year (NECP).
The improvement in efficiency and the decarbonisation of the sector will be carried out mainly via fleet renewal (e.g., provision of grants, subsidies, and overall benefits for natural and legal persons to acquire low-carbon, e-vehicles as well as charging stations); reduction in taxes for automobiles that fit into low-carbon, sustainable standards; and quota systems, so that final consumers can become aware of the share of renewable energy used in their final consumption. -
Summary of support schemes
- Subsidy – grant for the acquisition of low-carbon, e-vehicles nationwide;
- Subsidy – grant for the acquisition of e-vehicles in the Azores region;
- Subsidy – grant for the acquisition of e-vehicles in the Madeira region;
- Subsidy – grant for the substitution of end-of-life vehicles in the Madeira region;
- Tax regulation – reduction of taxes for vehicles with hybrid engines;
- Biofuel quota – certificate of guarantee of origin issued for consumers to be aware of the amount of renewable energy included in their final energy consumption;
- Infrastructure support - financial incentive for the acquisition of a charging station for electric vehicles.
Competent authorities
- Fundo Ambiental
- Regional Directorate of Energy (DREn).
- Regional Directorate of Economy and Land Transport (DRETT).
- DRETT’s Land Mobility Division.
- Directorate-General for Customs and Excise.
- Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE).