Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
- DL 60/2020
- Directive 2009/30/CE
Description of support scheme
In this scheme, the government issues guarantee of origin certificates (a quota), with the objective of proving to the final consumer, through the issuance of electronic certificates, the quota or quantity of energy from renewable sources present in the energy mix of a given supplier. This scheme is especially intended for the transportation sector.
For the year 2030, a minimum target of 3.5 percentage points in energy content of the share of energy from renewable sources in transportation is set, to be met with biofuels produced from the following raw materials: sugar beet ethanol, wheat ethanol, corn ethanol, sugar cane ethanol, rapeseed biodiesel, sunflower biodiesel, and others (Annex IV, Part A, DL 60/2020) -
Amount of quota and period of application
For the transportation sector, the government has set the target of a minimum of 3.5 percentage points of energy to be produced, by 2030, from renewable resources, specifically from biofuels produced with raw materials specified in Annex IV, part A, of the European Commission Directive 2009/30/CE (art. 5 DL 60/2020).
Fuel suppliers and retailers
Electricity producers using biofuels that have been granted injection capacity in the grid can apply for the guarantees-of-origin system. The conformity of the energy produced with the regulation is verified periodically, throughout the duration of the remuneration scheme, by Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE) (art. 9 DL 60/2020).
The information on the guarantees of origin, as well as access to these guarantees, is to be given to final consumers by the ERSE (art. 9 DL 60/2020). -
Competent authority
Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE)