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Subsidy: Incentive for the Acquisition of E-Vehicles in the Azores Autonomous Region

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    DRR 4/2021/A

  2. Description of support scheme

    The system of financial incentives (non-refundable grants) for the acquisition of e-vehicles in the Autonomous Region of the Azores constitutes one of the main pillars of the archipelago’s strategy to fully implement electric mobility in the region. By means of granting subsidies to the purchase of light vehicles (for the transport of passenger and goods), two-wheeled motorcycles, tricycles, quadricycles, and bicycles – all exclusively electric (art. 2 DRR 4/2021/A), the government envisages the reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases over time and a more efficient utilisation of the resources locally available.
    Applications for the incentive may be submitted within 90 days after the introduction of the vehicle in the market either by acquisition or rental agreement – bearing in mind that the rental contract ought to have a minimum duration of sixty months (art. 4, paragraph 2 DRR 4/2021/A). The beneficiary is allowed to accumulate the incentives given by this regulation with other of similar nature, provided for in national regulations (art. 16 DRR 4/2021/A).

  3. Amount

    Light vehicles:
    For natural persons, the amount of the incentive is set at 10% of the sale price, up to a maximum of EUR 3,000 – and limited to only one unit per candidate. For legal persons, the incentive is also set at 10% of the sale price, up to a maximum of EUR 2,000 per unit. These benefits are only applicable to vehicles whose sale price is equal or lower than EUR 62,500 (art. 8 DRR 4/2021/A).
    Two-wheeled motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles:
    The amount of the incentive, for both natural and legal persons, is fixed at 20% of the sale price, up to a maximum of EU 750, and limited to only one unit per candidate (art. 9 and 10 DRR 4/2021/A).
    Electric bicycles:
    The amount of the incentive, for both natural and legal persons, is a fixed at EUR 250 and limited to only one unit per candidate (art. 11 DRR 4/2021/A).
    All incentives abovementioned can be increased depending on whether candidates: i) are subject to a differentiated tariff; ii) reside in the islands of Corvo, Flores, Graciosa or São Jorge (which are part of UNESCO Biosphere Reserve), iii) are persons with disabilities who have 60% or more of their capabilities compromised (art. 8, 9, 10 and 11 DRR 4/2021/A).

  4. Addressees

    Natural or legal persons who reside in the Azores region (art. 4, paragraph 1 DRR 4/2021/A).

  5. Procedure

    To receive the incentive, applicants shall register themselves and submit the documents required for the procedure (personal identification document, registration certificate of the company/establishment – in the case of legal persons –, receipt of the acquisition of the vehicle, and others, as described in art. 7 DRR 4/2021/A) via the Regional Directorate of Energy’s (DREn) online Portal. Applicants will be notified electronically of the receipt of their applications (art. 6 DRR 4/2021/A).

  6. Competent authority

    Regional Directorate of Energy (DREn).

  7. Technologies

    Electric vehicle

