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Tax regulation mechanism: Tax Reduction for Hybrid Vehicles Owned by Legal Persons

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • Law 75-B/2020
    • Law 2/2014
  2. Description of support scheme

    Tax-reduction scheme for automobiles equipped with hybrid plug-in engines capable of being charged via the electricity system and whose electric mobility is of at least 50 km and emissions are less than 50 gCO2/km.
    The reduction refers to the one-time tax that is due by the time the vehicle is introduced to the market.

  3. Amount

    Hybrid plug-in vehicles are subject to the following tax percentages:
    5% for vehicles whose price is lower than EUR 27,500 (the standard tax percentage for this category is of 10%).
    10% for vehicles whose price is equal or higher than EUR 27,500 (the standard tax percentage for this category is of 27.5%)
    17.5% for vehicles whose price is equal or higher than EUR 35,000 (the standard tax percentage for this category is of 35%).
    (art. 88 of Law 2/2014)

  4. Addressees

    Legal persons, under public or private law, residing in Portuguese territory (art. 2 of Law 2/2014).

  5. Procedure

    Taxable entities have to send their tax declarations annually, via the Directorate-General for Customs and Excise’s Portal, up until the last day of May (art. 120 of Law 2/2014).

  6. Competent authority

    The entity or collective legal person itself, when declaring its taxes, or by the Directorate-General for Customs and Excise.

  7. Technologies

    Electric vehicle

    Eligible are automobiles equipped with hybrid plug-in engines capable of being charged via the electricity system and whose electric mobility is of at least 50 km and emissions are less than 50 gCO2/km.
