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Clean energy for EU islands




Webinar: Renewable energy on islands: electricity storage and integration challenges

Are batteries enough to complement wind and solar production? Can we increase renewable generation on islands without compromising the stability of the electricity grid? While renewables are crucial to decarbonise electricity generation, the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow when we need our electricity. The demand for electricity is also variable, both on a daily (day vs night) and on a seasonal (winter vs summer) basis, especially on islands that attract tourism.

Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE)

The Institute of Energy for SE Europe (IENE) is a nonprofit organization active throughout South East Europe, focusing on energy policy and analysis but also on information dissemination. IENE aims to promote a broader understanding of the major energy and environmental issues in the region.
A key objective of the Institute is to contribute towards the implementation of the European Union’s sustainable strategy which combines economic and social development, security of supply, environmental protection and climate change mitigation.

GEPS Techno: new ZESTAS member with our ship stabilizer that generates electricity

We are excited to announce that we are a new Member of #ZESTAs, Zero Emission Ship Technology Association : !

It is the beginning of a new adventure to promote our GSIRE®, the only stabilizer that generates electricity. ??⚡️

We will also be at ZESTAs’ booth during SMM Hamburg in September. ⚓️⚓️

To learn more about our patent technology, contact us ?

#MRE #GSIRE #Stabilizer #GreenShipTechnology #Sustainability #GreenShipping

School of Environmental Engineering/Technical University of Crete

The Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Laboratory (ReSEL), School of Environmental Engineering ( covers a wide range of knowledge subjects in the fields of Applied Research and Technology Development for Energy Planning and Sustainable Energy Management.ReSEL expertise focuses on Sustainable Energy Systems-Policy and Planning; Renewable Energy and Energy Saving Systems; Sustainable Cities and Communities mostly on Mediterranean insular cases.


Coopérnico is a Portuguese renewable energy cooperative that combines its sustainability oriented and social nature with the support of solidarity, education and environmental protection projects. Coopérnico's mission is to engage citizens and companies in the creation of a new energetic, economic and social paradigm that benefits both society and the environment: renewable, efficient, fair and decentralized. Coopérnico has 3 main activity areas: renewable energy production, energy efficiency and commercialization (retail).

Virtual Island Summit

The Virtual Island Summit is a free and entirely online event designed to connect global islands to share their common experiences through a digital platform. Join islanders from around the world to share ideas, good practices and solutions.

Registration and agenda here

Island Innovation

We are a global network that connects island stakeholders through digital communication and events. Our platform helps drive sustainable change across island and rural communities by sharing innovative projects and best practice. Island Innovation is a social enterprise that works with private sector companies, governments, universities, NGOs and utilities to connect them with the island stakeholders vital to the success of their sustainability projects.


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