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Clean energy for EU islands




Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research

The Institute of atmospheric Pollution Research of CNR conducts research and technology transfer in the field of air pollution in urban and industrial areas (both indoor and outdoor), Emerging Air Contaminants in Environmental Emissions and ambient air, pollutant cycles across different spatial scales including polar areas, Global and regional atmospheric modeling, Technological development and methods for Earth Observation, Geospatial information and environmental knowledge-sharing,Transfer of Technical and Scientific Knowledge for the Production and Implementation of Air-Quality Legislati


Rethink Sustainable Solutions, S.r.l.s. is an engineering and technical consulting firm that wants to foster the transition to a Circular Economy model. In order to abandon the current ‘take-make-consume and dispose’ pattern of growth, we support changes throughout value chains, from product design to new business and market models, from new ways of turning waste into a resource to new modes of consumer behaviour. To fulfill this mission, we design innovative solutions in the energy and environment fields, with the integration of the digital channels.

Elemental Water Makers

Already 4 billion people face water scarcity today. Especially islands are at the forefront of climate change and often lack natural water resources.The key for islands to moving from scarcity to abundance lies in the sea. Traditional desalination technology, unfortunately, uses a great deal of fossil energy and is a nightmare to maintain. Not anymore: 

Workshop: Finland - an archipelago in transition

On 7 October 2020, The National Association of Finnish Islands, the Archipelago Sea Unesco Biosphere Reserve and the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat hosted a combined online and physical workshop in Pargas, Finland.

In addition to exchange and learning on technical and financial aspects of the clean energy transition, the workshop drew on Kökar islands’s experiences in adapting the transition teams to suit the Finnish and Aaland context.

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