The two large incentives for RES-T in Sweden are a biofuels quota and tax exemptions for biofuels.
Recently, Sweden has also begun to incentivise the purchase of electric and RES-fueled vehicles and their charging stations with subsidies.
Sweden’s target for 2030 is to reach a 47,7% share of RES in transport sector final consumption. -
Summary of support schemes
● Tax regulation mechanism. Companies supplying, importing and producing fossil fuels are obliged to pay energy and carbon dioxide taxes. Biofuels are exempt from these taxes. ● Biofuel quota. Fuel suppliers are obliged to increase the share of biofuels in diesel- and petrol fuels in order to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. ● Climate leap. The broad R&D for local and regional climate measures also enables subsidies for RES-T projects. ● Electric bus premium. The government subsidises electric and hybrid buses in order to increase their share in public transport. ● Climate premium. The government subsidises electric and hybrid heavy machinery purchases in order to increase their share. ● Bonus system. The bonus-malus system incentivises legal persons (both private persons and companies) to purchase low-emitting vehicles by subsidising them and offering tax discounts, as well as taxes newly bought high-emitting vehicles more heavily.
Competent authorities
● Swedish Energy Agency ● Swedish Tax Authority ● Swedish Environmental Protection Agency ● Swedish Transport Agency