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Subsidy (Climate premium)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    Ordinance 2020:750

  2. Description of support scheme

    The Energy Agency is in charge of granting a subsidy for low-emissions trucks and electric work machines. The maximum sum granted is 20% of the vehicle purchase price, and the scheme will be operational at least until 2023. Applications are processed on a rolling basis.
    The subsidy can be used to purchase trucks and work machines, which refers to power tools (excavators etc.) and tractors.

  3. Amount

    The premium amounts to up to 20% of the vehicle’s purchase costs (art. 7 Ordinance 2020:750).

  4. Addressees

    Municipalities, regions and companies are eligible. Both purchasing or financial leasing (instalment payment) an applicable vehicle are accepted means of acquiring the vehicle (art 3 Ordinance 2020:750).

  5. Procedure

    The applicant submits their application to the Energy Agency electronically. (art. 10 Ordinance 2020:750). Companies applying for the subsidy also have to provide information on the number of their employees, annual sales and balance sheet in the application.
    The premium will be granted to applicants fulfilling the legal criteria, given there are funds left in the budget (art. 11 Ordinance 2020:750). The Energy Agency reviews the applications. If the decision is positive, it may contain conditions regarding follow-up for the applicant. The payment takes place within six months of the purchase of the vehicle (arts 12–13 Ordinance 2020:750).

  6. Competent authority

    Swedish Energy Agency

  7. Technologies


    Vehicles operating on bioethanol of at least 94% biological origin as well as biogas vehicles are eligible (art 2 Ordinance 2020:750).

    Electric vehicle

    Vehicles with a net power over 75kW that are fully electrically operated are eligible (art 2 Ordinance 2020:750).
