Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
Ordinance 2015:517
Description of support scheme
This broad programme offers ample funding for local and regional measures for cutting emissions in different sectors. The programme prioritises the spread of new technologies, improved public health and employment. Only material/physical investments qualify, and not, for example, programmes directed at changing consumer behaviour. The programme is interdisciplinary and intersectoral, meaning that concrete climate investments related to e.g., transport, industry, residential sector, energy and construction are eligible. The subsidy consists of two parts: the large, general fund available for all types of projects, including R&D (also relevant for RES-T novel technologies and pilot projects), and a designated budget for supporting e-vehicle charging network, which is covered under Support of RES-T infrastructure.
In the state budget for 2021, a total of SEK 1.9 billion (approx. EUR 188 million) was reserved for the Climate Leap programme. -
The funding rules vary a bit regarding the type of applicant: for companies, the maximum support amount is 70% of the investment cost, whereas for other applicants the sum can be up to 50% of the investment cost (arts 8–9 Ordinance 2015:517). The subsidy is subject to the de minimis rule (Regulation EU No 1407/2013).
For constructing e-vehicle charging station infrastructure, the maximum amount of support is 50% of the investment cost (art 10 Ordinance 2015:517). -
Everyone but private individuals are eligible. Past beneficiaries include, for example, companies, municipalities, and various types of organisations. (arts 5–6 Ordinance 2015:517)
The applicant submits an application to the administrative board of the county in which the project would be implemented (art 11 Ordinance 2015:517). The county administrative board will forward the application to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency together with their opinion, which contains the board’s assessment of the project. The Environmental Protection Agency reviews the applications and makes the grant decision, including terms and conditions for implementation (art 16 Ordinance 2015:517).
The aid is paid in instalments, and a maximum of 75% of the total can be paid before the project is completed (art 19 Ordinance 2015:517). Both the county administrative board and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency are responsible for parts of the follow-up and evaluation of the project. -
Competent authority
County Administrative Boards
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency -