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Subsidy (Electric bus premium)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    Ordinance 2016:836

  2. Description of support scheme

    The Swedish government supports the transition to RES-T by providing investment support for public transport authorities and transport companies operating public transport services. The scheme has become operational in 2015 and it will run at least until 2023. It is important to reduce emissions from bus traffic in Sweden as buses account for over a half of Swedish public transport.

  3. Amount

    Municipalities: for electric buses, the premium amounts to 10% of the vehicle’s price, however not exceeding 100% of the price difference between the electric bus and the closest comparable “conventional” bus. For electric hybrid buses, the premium amounts to half of the above. (Art 7 Ordinance 2016:836).
    Private companies: The maximum premium is up to 40% of the price difference between an electric bus and a comparable diesel bus (20% for hybrid vehicles).
    Any applicant can receive up to SEK 25 million (approx. EUR 2,47 million) /calendar year (Art 12 Ordinance 2016:836).

  4. Addressees

    Regional public transport authorities, municipalities and other companies authorised to operate public transport; or transport companies operating public transport (Art 9 Ordinance 2016:836). Applicable vehicles for purchase must have a minimum transport capacity of 15 passengers (art. 5 Ordinance 2016:836).

  5. Procedure

    The applicant submits an application to the Swedish Energy Agency prior to beginning to operate the buses. Transport companies are obliged to submit the application prior to purchasing the buses. The Energy Agency considers the application and grants the support if the application is in compliance with the Ordinance 2016:836 and if there are funds left for the scheme for the calendar year.
    The Energy Agency is responsible for the follow-up and the evaluation of the used funds, and to supervise the entire subsidy scheme (art 13 Ordinance 2016:836).

  6. Competent authority

    Swedish Energy Agency

  7. Technologies


    Only hybrid buses using biofuels are eligible (Art 5 Ordinance 2016:836).

    Electric vehicle

    Eligible are fully electric buses as well as some hybrid buses running on biofuels (Art 5 Ordinance 2016:836).
