The electricity sector will play the most important role in in order to meet the 2030 RES target of 21.5% (With existing measures- WEM) or 34.1% (With additional measures- WAM). The RES share in the electricity sector (RES-E) was 36.49% in 2019. The RES-E target for 2030 is 54.9% in the WEM scenario and 70% in the WAM scenario. Regarding installed capacity, onshore wind, offshore wind and PV (basically ground-mounted) will be the main renewable energy technologies in 2030. By 2030 6,018 MW (3,572 MW in 2018) of onshore wind is expected to be deployed, 1,800 MW of offshore wind (25 MW in 2018) and 1,250 MW of PV (10 MW in 2018) under the WEM scenario.
The permit and authorization process for RES in the Republic of Ireland includes the following steps:
• Site selection: project developers should consider specific planning regulations, which are stated in the Local Development Plans. For onshore wind, specific guidelines are available (currently under revision).
• Application preparation: This step includes the preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA Report) and/or the Natura Impact Statement (NIS) for onshore wind/ ground-mounted PV and expectedly for offshore wind.
• Electricity production licence: This step foresees the issue of the License to Generate (operation license) by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU). Its application can follow the Authorisation to Construct license (s. below) or a single application is possible. Planning permission and grid connection offer is mandatory for the issue of this license.
• Administrative authorisation: This step includes the issuing of the planning permission by the Planning Authority or An Bord Pleanála. The application includes all accompanying documents, such as the EIA Report and the NIS.
• Grid connection procedure: A standard approach, the Enduring Connection Policy (ECP) is followed since 2018, which the latest taking place in 2020. The transmission system operator (TSO) Eirgrid and the distribution system operator (DSO) ESB Networks announce the initiation of the application window. ECP defines the categories and the number of projects which will be offered a connection (‘batch process’). By accepting the connection offer, project developers can realise their grid connection works.
• Corporate legal-fiscal: The step concerns the ‘Revaluation’ process, which is the periodic update of commercial property rates in local authorities.
• Other: This foresees the issue of the Authorisation to Construct by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU). Application for Authorisation to Construct can come first and then the License to Generate may follow. However, the project developer can submit a single application for both licenses. In any case, planning permission is necessitated while a proof of grid connection suffices for the application submission -
Sequential order of process steps
1. Site selection process
2. Application preparation process
3. Electricity production license process
4. Administrative authorisation procedure
5. Grid connection procedure
6. Corporate legal-fiscal processes
7. Other -
Competent authorities
- Local Planning Authorities
- An Board Pleanála
- ESB Networks
- Eirgrid
- Valuation Office