Renewable Energy Installers is a training and certification programme provided by specific institutions for small scale RES. Upon completion, professionals are registered to the SEAI’s register. The National Standards Authority of Ireland- NSAI offers certification for energy efficiency measures, while SEAI Energy Efficient Design Expert -EEDE is an additional accreditation for energy auditors in order to qualify for the Excellence in Energy Efficiency Design (EXEED) grant scheme. The Public Sector Energy Programme administered by SEAI provides support to public sector entities regarding energy savings. Finally, SEAI issues an annual call for RD& D Projects focused on clean energy transition.
Summary of policies
- Training programmes for Installers of RES installations (Renewable Energy Installers): Training courses for small-scale RES are provided by 10 institutions in the Republic of Ireland. The training is a prerequisite in order to be registered to SEAI’s register.
- Training programmes for Installers of Energy Efficiency installations (SEAI Energy Efficient Design Expert -EEDE): Energy auditors can follow the SEAI Energy Efficient Design Training.
- Certification Programmes for Energy efficiency measures (energy audits and energy management - NSAI Agrément): NSAI provides accreditation for cavity wall insulation and external insulation.
- Exemplary role of public authorities (Public Sector Energy Programme): All new public buildings occupied after 31 December 2018 should be Nearly Zero Emissions Buildings- NZEB (S.I. No.292/2019). In order to achieve energy savings, public sector can address SEAI, under the Public Sector Energy Programme.
- RD&D Policies (SEAI National Energy Research Funding Programme): SEAI issues an annual call for RD& D Projects focused on clean energy transition.
Competent authorities