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Clean energy for EU islands
  • Regulatory information
  • Permits and Authorisation Processes

Site selection process

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source

    • Wind Energy Guidelines
    • Draft Revised Wind Energy Development Guidelines
    • Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland – Guidance for Planning Authorities
  2. Description of the process

    Wind Energy Guidelines introduced by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage define where onshore wind projects can be deployed through a ‘plan-led’ approach. This involves identifying areas considered suitable or unsuitable for wind energy development. These areas should then be included in the county’s development plan. The guidelines also provide information on the Environmental Impact Assessment, the prospective location of an onshore wind project (aesthetic considerations) and primary planning conditions (e.g., shadow flicker).
    Ground-mounted PV follows a similar procedure. ‘Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland – Guidance for Planning Authorities’ is used as a guide. In general, a standard 15-km distance from a proposed site is regarded as a potential zone of influence within which Natura 2000 sites should be monitored and examined for potential impact (Appropriate Assessment of Plans and Projects in Ireland – Guidance for Planning Authorities).
    For offshore wind, the permitting process is currently in a transitional phase. Offshore wind projects are divided into three categories: (1) Legacy, (2) Relevant, and (3) Enduring. Legacy and Relevant projects are projects that are further in the project pipeline (i.e., received planning permission). Enduring projects includes group of new projects and potential projects. For Enduring projects, specific sites have been specified basically on the west shores of the Republic of Ireland, based on an early-stage assessment.

  3. Competent authority  

    • Local Planning Authorities
    • An Board Pleanála
  4. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore


    Wind energy offshore


    Solar energy


    Solar Thermal
    Geothermal energy
    Geothermal energy