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Clean energy for EU islands
Ireland flag

Ireland is the second-largest island of the British Isles, located in the Atlantic Ocean. The Republic of Ireland covers 70,273 km², or about 83% of the island. Off the coast of Ireland there are 83 offshore islands, 23 of which are inhabited. The largest of the inhabited Irish Isles, Achill Island, has an area of 148 km². Many of the islands are much smaller, with an area below 30 km². Ireland has a total offshore island population of 8,756 inhabitants, which corresponds to 0.2% of its population. In many cases, Irish islands do not have their own local authorities but depend on the county level on the mainland. Community development cooperatives play an important role in the administration and day-to-day life on the islands.

Clean energy national targets

The Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for the Republic of Ireland aims to achieve a share of renewable electricity of 70% by 2030, a share of renewable heating and of 24% by 2030 and a share of renewable energy in the transport sector of 13.4% by 2030.


Regulatory factsheet 2021-10-29
Ireland regulatory factsheet
Ireland regulatory factsheet cover
(153.01kB - application/pdf)

Country study

STUDY - Regulatory barriers in Ireland: findings and recommendations

The Irish islands have been frontrunners in the energy transition. Multiple community-led renewable energy projects have been developed on islands such as the Aran islands, Cape Clear and Bere island...

(0.92MB - application/pdf)

Country booklet

BOOKLET - Regulatory barriers in Ireland: findings and recommendations

The Irish islands have been frontrunners in the energy transition. Multiple community-led renewable energy projects have been developed on islands such as the Aran islands, Cape Clear and Bere island...

(2.2MB - application/pdf)
