There are nationally recognized training programmes for installers of installations using renewable energy sources (RES installers) in the housing and buildings sector, in particular for electricity, heating, and construction. Training programme for RES installers contains theoretical and practical knowledge on the installation and maintenance of different types of RES systems. The participants receive a certificate if they pass the final examination successfully. Energy audits and energy certifications of buildings are carried out by certified persons authorised by the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets Public authorities fulfil its exemplary role through energy renovation of public buildings, with the goal of yearly renovation rate of 1,0% of surface area of al public buildings in 2021 and 2022. Moreover, the Act on Biofuels for Transport stipulates that public transportation companies, public institutions, and state-owned companies must make sure that at least 70% of newly purchased, leased or hired vehicles in a year use biofuels blended with diesel or petrol, or pure biofuels, or biogas, or hydrogen, or electricity. There are not many large research, development & demonstration (RD&D) measures currently, but there are plans for such measures in current policies, namely the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for the Republic of Croatia for the period 2021-2030, and several other national strategies and legislative acts. Currently, the measure ‘Innovation vouchers for SMEs’ is in place as a de minimis aid to facilitate co-operation between scientific instutions and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in fields of testing, research, demonstration activities, process innovation and commercialization of innovations.
Summary of policies
- Nationally recognized and regulated training programmes for RES installers are training programmes for installers of PV systems, solar heating systems, shallow geothermal systems and heat pumps, small-scale biomass boilers and stoves, and for construction workers who install building parts affecting energy efficiency in the buildings sector. Training programmes are regulated by several ordinances, while the competent ministry for regulation of the training programmes is the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets.
- As for energy audits and energy certifications of buildings, these are carried out by certified persons authorised by the Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets in accordance with the Ordinance on persons authorised for energy certification, energy audits of buildings and regular inspections of heating systems and cooling or air-conditioning systems in buildings.
- The energy renovation of public buildings, as an exemplary activity, is carried out by the Agency for Transactions and Mediation in Immovable Properties (ATMIP).
- Exemplary role of public authorities (Obligation for usage of ecological transport) – As an exemplay activity in transport, public transportation companies and public sector users of fuels must make sure that at least 70% of newly purchased, or hired, vehicles in a year use biofuels blended with diesel or petrol, or pure biofuels, or biogas, or hydrogen, or electricity. Records must be kept in order to prove fulfilment of the duty.The ‘Innovation vouchers for SMEs’ measure is implemented as a part of the ‘Programme for awarding small aid purposed for providing high-quality services for SMEs through innovation vouchers’ within the framework of the Operational programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020.
Competent authorities
Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets Agency for Transactions and Mediation in Immovable Properties Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development