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Clean energy for EU islands
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The Croatian archipelago lies along the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea and has 1,244 natural formations, of which 78 are islands, 524 are islets, 642 are cliffs and reefs. 49 of the islands are permanently inhabited, all of which are located relatively close to the shore. Cres and Krk are the largest islands, both with a land area of around 406 km². The Croatian island population makes up 3.10% of the country’s total population, which corresponds to 132,756 people.

Islands belong to counties as they are laid out along the Croatian shoreline. All coastal counties have islands. At the local level, islands have their municipalities within these counties, just like the mainland area does. There is specific legislation to support the economic development of islands, the Act on Islands, which defines strategies and subsidies for inhabitants and businesses on islands. Notably, the Act on Islands introduced 'Island coordinators' who are designated people responsible for organising and coordinating plans and projects pertaining to the sustainable development of islands. The Croatian Government is in the process of drafting a National Plan of Island Development for the period 2021-2027, as a medium-term strategic document.

Clean energy national targets

The Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for the Republic of Croatia for the period 2021-2030 sets a national RES target of 63.8% in the gross direct consumption of electricity, 36.6% in the gross direct consumption of energy for heating and cooling and 14.0% in the gross direct consumption of energy in transport.


Regulatory factsheet 2021-10-29
Croatia regulatory factsheet
Croatia regulatory factsheet cover
(195.64kB - application/pdf)

Country study

STUDY - Regulatory barriers in Croatia: findings and recommendations

Croatia and its island stakeholders have been very active on the European level in bringing to focus the agenda of the energy transition of the islands. In the past two years, the national legislation...

(1.04MB - application/pdf)

Country booklet

BOOKLET - Regulatory barriers in Croatia: findings and recommendations

Croatia and its island stakeholders have been very active on the European level in bringing to focus the agenda of the energy transition of the islands. In the past two years, the national legislation...

(2.48MB - application/pdf)