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Exemplary role of public authorities (Obligation for usage of ecological transport)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    Act on Biofuels for Transport
    Ordinance on measures for promotion of use of biofuels in transport

  2. Summary

    Public transportation companies and public sector users of fuels must make sure that at least 70% of newly purchased, or hired, vehicles in a year use biofuels blended with diesel or petrol, or pure biofuels, or biogas, or hydrogen, or electricity, but certain exceptions apply. Users of fuel in public transport and public sector shall keep records of the number and types of the hired or newly purchased vehicles and of the use of biofuels in accordance with the Ordinance on the measures for promotion of use of biofuels. Users of fuel in public transport and the public sector shall draw up a report on fulfilment of the duty which is submitted to the competent ministry every year.

  3. Addressees

    Public transportation companies, and public sector users of fuels (public institutions, state-owned companies, etc.).

  4. Competent authority

    Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development